Membership Fees
All members are required to pay an agreed annual membership fee of £36 (£18 for students) and subscription runs from January to December. Membership is open throughout the calendar year, though, and anyone joining part-way through the year pays pro-rata at £9 (£4.50 reduced rate) per quarter or part thereof.
Join in Membership Fee (Reduced Student Fee)
Jan-Mar £36 (£18)
Apr-Jun £27 (£13.50)
Jul-Sep £18 (£9)
Oct-Dec £9 (£4.50)
New members who are unsure of whether the society is for them and want to try-before-they-buy may pay for just one quarter (£9). At the end of that 3-month trial period, the remaining balance for the year will become payable.
What being a member means
Full Membership of the LGS entitles members to the following:
To attend all Society meetings.
To play in the LGS Ensemble.
To play in LGS Members’ concerts and master classes.
To attend LGS arranged concerts and other events at a reduced rate to that charged to non-members, where possible.
To vote at AGMs and EGMs.
To be a LGS Committee member, if voted at an AGM/EGM.
Access to the LGS privileged web-site areas.
Savings with commercial outlets, where pre-arranged.
We are always looking for new members, so if you would like to come along to one of the meetings, please contact us and we will look forward to seeing you. Everyone is welcome!